Saturday, November 21, 2015

Need Everybody's help - Selen

Hello Everyone,

I'd appreciate if you could help me pick some pieces for my reel. I wanna put these together and start applying for jobs again.  Here is a link for it.

And vimeo link:

I am thinking of cutting out the last 2 pieces or last one. I'd really like to hear everyone's opinion on this. Also feel free to give any feedback.



  1. hey Selene, my first impression was that the guy in the shower is not clear at the end and the idea itself is not very strong, the woman with the plant and the bag also i think doesn't make the cut. I hope this helps!

  2. Hi Selen,
    The "lie" shot is definitely your best piece. I'm glad to see you leading with that, and also to see your growth! I agree the shower shot is not as strong as it could be; I would cut it. I would keep the flower pot shot just because it's your clearest example of physicality. You can always swap it out with a new shot. I'm conflicted about the "easy way" shot. There are parts of it that work really great, and parts that are clunky (the body action on "there is no easy way... somebody gets hurt" doesn't feel natural). Same with the last shot - the beginning and end of this shot are great, but the middle feels blocky and rough in comparison. You could probably cut it and end with the shot of the guy looking at the check. Or we could polish this shot in class? Unless you prefer to work on a new one.

    1. Thank you Victor! I would like to polish some of the shots I have in my demo but I desperately need to add another dialog, so for this class for the remaining weeks I'd like to focus on my new dialog shot and later go back and polish my old shots. If you have time it'd be great to have some polishing notes from you :)
